
The town of Taabo has been chosen to host the official launch ceremony of a breast cancer control project entitled “Improving breast cancer screening rates and treatment compliance among women in Côte d'Ivoire through behavioral interventions”. 

The ceremony took place on Tuesday January 14, 2025, in the meeting room of the Taabo sous-préfecture, in the presence of the Préfet, M. André Martin Kakou, the sub-prefect, Mme Mariam Traoré, the 2nd Deputy Mayor, the Departmental Director of Health for Tiassalé and Taabo, the representative of the Programme Nationale de Lutte contre le Cancer (PNLC), Dr Roselyne Tétchi, Professor Koudou Benjamin, DRD at the CSRS and PI of the project, as well as the religious and customary authorities of the said locality.

“This vitally important project is a response to an urgent need in women's health, and the choice of Taabo for this pilot project is not insignificant. I would therefore like to express my sincere thanks to the CSRS, which has been collaborating with Taabo for over 15 years, and to ROCHE, the main financier, for its generous support,” he declared. He went on to invite those present to support the awareness-raising efforts and to take an active part in the screening activities planned for women in the villages chosen for the pilot phase.

This ambitious project, financed by ROCHE, aims to strengthen early detection of breast cancer and increase treatment compliance among diagnosed women through the integration of innovative behavioral interventions.

To better understand the ins and outs of the project, guests were treated to two presentations by Dr. Angoa Georgina (Clinical doctor and Head of the Clinical Research Unit at CSRS) and Dr. Comoé-Coffie Colombe (Health Sociologist), both co-investigators of the project.

Presentations followed by fruitful exchanges enabled administrative and local authorities, health professionals and communities to leave mobilized, while guaranteeing the success of this initiative, which is part of a global effort to combat breast cancer in Côte d'Ivoire.

The project will be implemented in Taabo and Korhogo.
