
Songon, 27 May 2023 (AIP)- On Friday 26 May 2023, the Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques (CSRS) awarded the Pr Konaré Abdourahamane prize for best young researcher to Morié Guy-Roland N'Drin, a student who has just defended his doctoral thesis in China, at the opening ceremony of the Quinzaine Internationale de la Science et des Technologies (QIST).

The winner, Dr Morié Guy-Roland N'Drin, who is also a student at Shandong University in Jinan, China, was awarded the prize on the basis of the quality and quantity of his scientific output, which has been published in leading journals, read and cited, has a scientific impact and is used by communities and other practitioners, according to CSRS Director General Pr Inza Koné.

The prize was presented to doctoral student Kondo Akuelé Radha at a ceremony in Adiopodoumé, in the absence of the winner, who was still in China.

"The CSRS awarded the prize at the request of the Directorate General of Research, which wanted to institute prizes in tribute to Prof. Konaré, a former Director General of Research, who was a leading figure in modern science research in Côte d'Ivoire, and who died a few years ago", added Prof. Koné.

The Director of Research, Prof Bamba Aboudramane, congratulated the prize-winner on the rigour and quality of his research work.

