
A PrAJSi learner receives his certificate from Prof. Edmée Mansilla

Bringakro, Wednesday, February 27, 2023 - The official ceremony to award certificates at the end of the third training session to learners of the Sinzénou Djanfouè Youth Empowerment Project (PrAJSi) was a moment of recognition and celebration, bringing together representatives from various sectors involved in this community initiative. Speeches by key speakers underlined the importance of this project and the unwavering commitment to youth development.

Dr Dao Daouda, Deputy General Manager of the Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Côte d'Ivoire (CSRS), opened the festivities by expressing his "profound honor at your presence" and describing the project as "the realization of a dream". He paid tribute to the partners, in particular to the representative of Sinzénou Nord (Switzerland), Ms Karim Mueller-Durmus, President of the Association Sinzénou Djanfouè Nord Committee, for her investment in financing this crucial project, and to the Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training and Apprenticeship (METFPA) for its ongoing support. Dr Dao also expressed the hope that some of the learners would be selected to share their experience in the future, underlining the practical value of the training.

Fulgence Koffi, representing Sinzénou Sud (Côte d'Ivoire), expressed his gratitude to the Ministry and Sinzénou Nord for their continued support despite the initial challenges. Highlighting the sometimes difficult journey of the learners, he encouraged the newcomers to persevere, and expressed the hope that they would become key players in development.

Mrs. Karim Mueller-Durmus, Sinzénou Nord representative, shared her joy for the 19 young laureates who have successfully completed their agricultural training. She highlighted the aim of this training, financed by the FICD through the Sinzénou Nord association, to provide theoretical and practical knowledge in agriculture and animal husbandry. She praised the Swiss model of dual training and encouraged the learners to take control of their future, despite the challenges ahead.

Professor Edmée Mansilla, Managing Director of IPNET, representing the Minister of METFPA, accompanied by a strong delegation from the Ministry, expressed her pleasure at sharing this moment. She emphasized the project's alignment with the ministerial vision of rethinking and upgrading vocational training. She presented two key programs, the Académie des Talents and the Ecole de la Deuxième Chance, aimed at improving the quality of vocational high schools and offering short-term employment opportunities.

Logon Koffi, representing the learners, thanked CSRS, Sinzénou Sud and Nord, and the Ministry for their support. He expressed his satisfaction with the quality training provided free of charge by nationally recognized teachers and trainers. Encouraging the new learners to be courageous, he stressed the value of working the land and the reward that comes from persevering effort.

The ceremony ended on a note of celebration and optimism, with the winners carrying with them certificates that will open doors to a self-sufficient and fruitful future in the agriculture and livestock sector.

Other participants in the ceremony were: Miss Barry Mariama, CSRS Intendance and Administrative Assistance Manager; Mr. Ballo Monon, agro-pastoral technician at the Bringakro station; Mrs. Koné Yetan, representative of the DGAFC (Apprentissage-Formation-Continue).

Joseph Anoh/ CelCom