
On Friday December 15, the Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques held its traditional end-of-year ceremony at its Adiopodoumé site, presided over by Prof. Inza Koné, the institution's General Manager.

On behalf of the entire staff, Mr. Kohi Victor and Dr. Goné Bi, presidents of the employees' and researchers' associations respectively, thanked the Director General for all he had done for them throughout the year. Doc. Goné Zoro, president of the researchers' amicale, urged researchers to show greater commitment to research and more involvement in activities. Mr. Issa Koanda, staff representative, called for a reorganization of working hours during the CAN 2024 period.

In his speech, the General Manager congratulated the Organizing Committee on this fine mobilization.  Continuing his speech, Prof. Inza Koné raised the issue of difficult access to the CSRS, especially during the CAN, a situation which could make the introduction of teleworking a possibility. In the meantime, for the CAN, he automatically agreed to a reorganization of working hours from January 08, 2024. In addition, to encourage researchers in particular, the Center plans to purchase tickets, including 50 for Abidjan and 15 for Taabo, for CSRS employees.

The General Manager went on to encourage researchers to be more perseverant, responsible and pugnacious, in order to win international projects.

Presenting the performance chart, the institution's CEO announced: "We have obtained GLP accreditation, we are a Champion for community empowerment, in terms of health, we are impacting our environment and policies. When it comes to paradigm shifts, we are champions.  

The festive event was hosted by Dr. Babo Stéphane and Mr. Djibril Dosso, with musical interludes by the Kouté village brass band. 

The following day, Saturday, December 16, the company headed for Jacqueville, where employees and researchers met again by the sea to close the year 2023 in style.

Nicole Soro/CelCom