On Friday April 19, 2024, INADCI chose the CSRS, to which it has a partnership, to organize a mid-term seminar on the assessment of the GREEN PLAN.
At the outset, M. Koné Katia of INAD-CI thanked Prof. Inza KONE, Director General of CSRS, for making the room available and for welcoming the participants. "This is proof, if proof were still needed, of your constant willingness to join our Institute's efforts to constantly improve the management of our forest resources.
Prof. Inza Koné, Director General of CSRS, reminded the audience that 40% of the economy is based on biodiversity, and that the search for solutions to deforestation and the restoration of forest capital must therefore be supported, given its major impact on our lives, well-being and economy.
Mr. Ted Azouma, Executive Director of INADCI, then declared the seminar open.
As well as reviewing the results achieved over the last 3 years, the seminar also provided an opportunity to identify the problems encountered, with a view to correcting and supplementing the efforts made.
Launched in January 2021, INADCI Plan Vert is a response to the scourge of deforestation. It is a CSR support project based on the financial and material involvement of companies and individuals with a view to contributing to reforestation. The aim is to restore 10 hectares of forest per year by 2032.
The main areas of intervention are
- Raising awareness of sustainable forest management;
- Reforestation;
- Participatory management;
- Environmental education;
- Improving governance;
Colonel APATA Yavo Nicolas, from the Ministry of Water and Forests, project manager for the "One school, 50 hectares of forest" project, led today's seminar.
The best time to plant a tree is now!
The participants :
Prof Koné Inza - Managing Director - CSRS
Colonel Apata Yavo Nicolas- Head of Projects - "One school, 50 hectares of forest".
Dr Doudjo Ouattara- CSRS Researcher
Dr Ariane Amin - CSRS Associate Researcher
Mr. Ted Azouma - Executive Director - INADCI
Dr Gnahoua Guy Modeste - Central Director
Dr Col Tiessé Bi - Consultant expert trainer
M. Koné Katia - Assistant project manager - INADCI
M. Koffi Avogadro Kouamé - MINEF - Ingénieur en chef des eaux et forêts
Mr Yéo Syfowa Tafa - Deputy Planning Director - MINEDDTE
Ms Fanta Doumbia - DESCOM Engineer